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Basic Sleep Technologist
Introduction to Sleep Technology
Sleep technology professionals have different roles, including trainee, technician, and technologist.
Introduction to the (AASM, AAST, BRPT) and Registration for Professional Publications
Medical Confidentiality, Accessing Pertinent Medical Records
Informed Consent and Other Legal Issues
Infection Control and Equipment Sterilization
Universal Precautions / Hand Washing Protocols
Environmental & Electrical Safety
Fall Risk Assessment
Hazardous Materials, Emergencies, and Responses
When to Call the Physician
Section summary
Anatomical Terms, Planes of Motion, and Basic Skeletal Anatomy
Anatomical Terms, Planes of Motion, and Basic Skeletal Anatomy
Basic Human Anatomy
Anatomical Positioning and Planes of Motion
Sleep Terms and Definitions
Commonly used Medical Symbols and Approved Abbreviations
Medical Prefixes and Suffixes
Section summary
Introduction to Major Muscle Groups for Monitoring Polysomnography Data
Introduction to Major Muscle Groups for Monitoring Polysomnography Data
Upper and Lower Limbs
Thoracic and Intercostal Lead Placements
Head and Facial Lead Placements (excluding EEG)
Section summary
Introduction of Polysomnography I
Sleep Architecture
Normal Human Sleep Architecture - Current Concepts
Sleep Physiology, Sleep Cycles and Circadian Rhythms
Sleep Latencies - Normal & Abnormal - NREM and REM
Introduction to Polysomnography - Calculation of Latencies
Reading and Understanding Sleep Histograms
Sleep Fragmentation and the Effects of Excessive Daytime Sleepiness (EDS)
Stanford/ Swiss / Epworth Sleepiness Scales
Section summary
Sleep (2:38)
Introduction to Polysomnography II
History & Overview from a Technician’s Perspective
Polysomnography Defined
Normal Sleep and its Function
Effects of Sleep on the Musculoskeletal and Respiratory Systems
Effects of Sleep on Metabolism
Shift Work and the Importance of Sleep Hygiene
Section summary
Sleep Pharmacology
Impact of Medications on Sleep and Wakefulness
Therapeutic Use in Sleep Disordered Medicine
Effects of Alcohol, Caffeine, and Nicotine on Sleep
Section summary
Technical Aspects
Introduction to the Technical Aspects of Polysomnography
Overview of EEG, EMG, ECG, & Derivations
Surface Electrodes, Thermistors and Thermocouples
Airway Pressure Transducer Technology (PTAF)
Elastometric, Impedance & Respiratory Inductance Plethysmography
Intercostal EMG, Esophageal Pressure Manometry
Pulse Oximetry
Capnography & End Tidal CO2 Monitoring
Understanding Electrode/ Sensor Mechanics and Accuracy
Section summary
Basic Neuroanatomy
Brain Anatomy, Function, and the Sources of EEG Activity
Major Brain Structures and their Correlation to Sleep/Wakefulness
Neurotransmitters - Involvement with Sleep/Wakefulness Neurons, Synapses, Axons and Dendrites
Section summary
EEG and Sleep Staging
EEG and Waveform Morphology
Waveform Identification
Waveform Frequency Ranges (Alpha, Beta, Theta, Delta)
Identification of K-Complexes, Vertex Sharp Transients, and Sleep Spindles
History - R&K Manual and the New AASM Scoring Criteria
Identification of Sleep Onset, NREM and REM Stages of Sleep
Identification of EEG Arousals and Associated Scoring Rules
Section summary
Mastering the International 10-20 Electrode Placement System
Mastering the International 10-20 Electrode Placement System
Overview and Significance of Getting it Right Lesson
Correlation to Underlying Brain Structure
Identification of Anatomical Landmarks
Electrode Placement - Development of proper Techniques
Understanding the Consequences of Getting it Wrong
Appropriate Modification of the 10/20 System - When & How
Section summary
Introduction to Respiratory Anatomy and Gas Exchange
Introduction to Respiratory Anatomy and Gas Exchange
Basic Upper & Lower Respiratory Anatomy
Functions of the Adult Respiratory System
Mechanics of Breathing, Ventilation, Inspiration, and Expiration
Pulmonary Volumes and Capacities
Gas properties and Gas Exchange
Room Air, Supplemental O2 and changes in FiO2
Section summary
Monitoring Airflow
Monitoring Airflow
Thermal Sensors - Thermistors and Thermocouples
Nasal/Oral Airway Pressure Transducers (PTAF) Capnography and End Tidal CO2 Monitoring
Monitoring Respiratory Effort
Elastometric, Impedance, and Inductive Plethysmography
Esophageal Pressure Manometry
Intercostal EMG
Pulse Transit Time Monitoring
Section summary
Sleep Disordered Breathing
Sleep Disordered Breathing
Mallampati Airway Classifications
UARS, RERAs & Snoring
Hypopneas - Defined
Sleep Apnea: Obstructive, Central, and Mixed
Clinical Consequences of Sleep Apnea
Paradoxical Breathing During Sleep
Scoring Respiratory Events
Section summary
Obesity Trends in the USA Population
Defining Obesity and its Impact on Health
Understanding Body Mass Index and Calculations
Obesity Trends - Present in Adult and Pediatric Populations
Section summary
Sleep Disordered Breathing - Treatment Options
Treatment Options
Positional Theraphy
Weight Loss
Oral Appliances
Surgical Interventions
Positive Airway Pressure (Gold Standard)
Section summary
Positive Airway Pressure Equipment
Intro to Mask Interface Styles
Choosing the Appropriate Interface
Acclimation and Desensitization Procedures
Understanding the Importance of Humidification
Complications of PAP Complaints
Effectiveness and Long Term Compliance Issues
Importance of a Patient Follow-Up Program
Section summary
Positive Airway Pressure Therapy
Mechanics of CPAP and Titration Protocols
Indications for Bi-level Therapy and Titration Protocols
Servo-Ventilation / Auto-Titration
Understanding Pressure Relief and Ramping Technology
Understanding Total and Minute Studies
Techniques to Avoid Over-Titration
Section summary
Supplemental Oxygen
Indications and Protocols for Adding Supplemental Oxygen
Understanding Changes in FIO2 with Supplemental O2
Knowledge of Equipment
Calculation of Oxygen Cylinder Reserves
O2 Safety
Section summary
Pediatric Polysomnography
Pediatric Montages and How They Differ from Adults
Patient and Parent Rapport
Tips on Working with Children
Preparation Techniques for Pediatric Patients
Pediatric Montages and Modification of the International 10-20 Electrode Placement System
Scoring Pediatric Sleep Stages
Section summary
Polysomnographic Instrumentation
Concept of Electrical Instrumentation (Part 1)
Basic Electrical Principles of Polysomnography
Understanding Analog and Digital Polysomnographic Collection
Bio-potential Sources
Understanding Impedances
Electrical Safety
Concepts of Electrical Instrumentation (Part 2)
Differential Amplification Principles - AC & DC
Filters - High Freq. Low Freq. and 60 Hz - Use and Abuse
Frequency Response Curves and Time Constants
Sensitivity Settings and Amplitude Calculations
Understanding Impedances & Signal Polarity
Intercom and Infrared Camera: Use and Function
Introduction to Testing Software and Computer Functions
Loading Patient Data and Software Set-Up
Calibration Procedures and Impedance Evaluations
Digital Documentation - Tech Notes, Tags, 30 min Checks
Adding/Deleting Channels
Effects of Filter and Sensitivity Changes
Report Generation
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Patient Assessment and Documentation
Sleep Center Documents
Accessing History/Physical and Other Medical Information
Physician Montage Forms and Special Orders
Pre/Post Study Questionnaires
Patient Assessment for the Technician
Assessing and Management of the Difficult or Special Needs Patient
Patient Emergency Situation
Assessment Protocol
Crash Cart/BLS/AED - Overview
Pain Assessment
Recognition of Emergencies - Vital Signs/Blood Pressures / etc.
Blood Pressure Assessment
Procedure of Obtaining and Documenting Blood Pressures with Manual and Automated Equipment
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Video (3:09)
Mathematical Calculations
Mathematics for Polysomnography
Understanding and Calculating
Epoch/Minute Conversions
Body Mass Index (BMI)
Sleep Efficiencies
Sleep Onset and REM Latencies
New Lesson
Apnea/Hypopnea & Respiratory Disturbance Indices
PLM and Associated EEG Arousal Indices
Section summary
Multiple choice
Cardiovascular System and ECG Monitoring
Basic Cardiac Anatomy
Overview of Cardiovascular System and Associations with Sleep
Arterial & Venous Circulation
Chambers, valves and Systemic Circulation
Systolic and Diastolic Pressures
Cardiac Electrophysiology
Components of the Heart’s Electrical Conduction System
Control of the Heart Rate and Rhythm
Components of the ECG Waveform
ECG Electrode Placement of Polysomnography
Cardiac Arrhythmias
Basic Rhythm Analysis
Sinus Mechanisms
Ectopic Beats
Atrial Arrhythmias
Ventricular Arrhythmias
1st, 2nd, and 3rd Degree Heart Blocks
Cardiac Emergencies
Section summary
Multiple choice
Respiratory Anatomy and Gas Exchange - Intermediate
Pulmonary Physiology - Intermediate
Mechanical and Chemical Control of Breathing
Ventilatory Control in REM and NREM
Cheyne-Stokes Breathing and Congestive heart Failu
Disorders of the respiratory system (not sleep-related)
COPD (Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease)
Chronic Bronchitis
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation (CPR) Overview
CPR Basics for Adults, Children and Infants
Patient Assessment - EMS Activation
Demonstration of Head Tilt-Chin Lift
Airway Assessment and Management - Non-invasive
Proper Hand Placement and Compression Depth - All Ages
Compression/Rescue Breathing Ration - 1 &2 Rescuer - All Ages
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Movement Disorders
Restless Legs Syndrome and Periodic Limb Movement Disorder
Associated Arousals and Sleep Fragmentation
Recording Limb Movements
Movement disorders
Sleep Bruxism
Rhythmic Movement Disorder
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Narcolepsy, Seizures, and Other Parasomnias
Narcolepsy (with and without cataplexy)
Associated Features, Demographics and Manifestations
Onset and Complications
The Narcolepsy Tetrad:
Sleep Diary
Treatment Options
MSLT and MWT Testing
Nocturnal Seizures
Monitoring Techniques & Technical Interventions
Association with REM and NREM Sleep
Section summary
Multiple choice
Insomnia, Circadian Rhythm, and Psychiatric Disorders
Circadian Rhythm Disorders
Safety issues Related to Sleepiness/Fatigue
Psychiatric and behavioral sleep disorders
Section summary
Multiple Choice
Artifact Recognition and Correction
Artifact Recognition
Artifact Resolution
Section summary
New Lesson
New Lesson
Introduction to Polysomnography
History and Overview of Sleep Disorders Medicine
Discovery of the Biological Clock
Scientific progress in the Last 40 Years
Development and Revision of the ICSD & ICSD II
Changes in Scoring Standards
What Employers Need from the Qualified Technician
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